Monday, November 24, 2008

Apropos of nothing...

Lately, every morning when I come into my office, I find mouse turds on my desk. Just thought I'd share.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bawdy Birds update

I've been AWOL from the site lately, because I've been working on papers and such. I gave my presentation today on the Libro de cetreria, and it seems to have been a success.
I promised gratuitous sex and violence, and I think I delivered.

Sharing resources

Does anyone have a multiple choice SPN 101 exam they would be willing to share?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Europeana: Stay Tuned

I caught wind of this site on Spanish TV. It promises to offer a wealth of didactic materials. It is scheduled to officially open tomorrow. As of now, I found that I could not access and materials.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Teaching Introduction to Lit. Studies

As the semester winds down, I start thinking about how I would do things differently. In my Introduction to Literary Studies, which I taught for the first time, I used Aproximaciones and pretty much followed the organization of the book: Narrativa, Poesía, Drama. I think that next time I teach the course I will begin with poetry and spend more time on it than the other genres, since it seems to me that poetic language is part and parcel of good literature. I also think I would proceed in reverse chronological order, dealing with the Siglo de Oro/Baroque last, since it is more challenging and I think it would be good for students to become accustomed to poetry before diving into Garcilaso or Sor Juana. I did ask students to memorize and recite a poem this semester, though.

Any thoughts? Have you used other textbooks worth recommending?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Resources for Teaching Literature

This section on the auladeletras site had some materials that may ( or may not) be useful for teaching basic literary concepts to undergraduate students. I found their powerpoint-esque introduction to _DQ_ to be quite interesting.