Thursday, October 1, 2009

Truisms from Hita

Just re-read this for my Spanish Lit Survey, and it struck me as excellent relief from such serious concerns. The old Arcipreste surely dealt with equally noxious situations, though perhaps not exactly the same as tenure, furloughs, layoffs, publishing, and departmental politics.

Aristóteles dijo, y es cosa verdadera,
que el hombre por dos cosas trabaja: la primera,
por el sustentamiento, y la segunda era
por conseguir unión con hembra placentera.


Traductor said...

I always thought it was the other way around.

Shandy said...

Indeed, Freud corroborates what Traductor says.

Dave said...

As long as we get a little bit of both I don't care which comes first.

Mike said...

Here here.

Dave said...

Hita also spent time in jail.

Traductor said...

So did James Brown.